[12.52 Torta delle Rose] (For English version scroll down!)
400 gr di farina 00 (+ un altro po' per infarinare la spianatoia)
1 cubetto di lievito di birra
100 gr di zucchero
1 bustina di vanillina
1 pizzico di sale
80 gr di burro
3 uova
100 ml di latte
Sciogliere il lievito in 3 cucchiai di latte tiepido. Aggiungere 50 gr di farina e 14 gr di burro e mescolare fino a quando gli ingredienti saranno ben amalgamati. Coprire il composto con un panno di lana umida e tenerlo in un lòuogo asciutto per 40 minuti. Passati i minuti aggiungere 350 gr di farina, lo zucchero, la vanillina, il sale, il burro e le 3 uova.
Gradatamente aggiungere il latte, tanto quanto basta per avere un composto abbastanza sodo.
Tirare la pasta in un rettangolo da 1 cm di spessore.Spalmare la Nutella, arrotolare dal lato più lungo e tagliare dei pezzi di circa 4/5 cm di lunghezza.
Mettere i pezzi di pasta in uno stampo, distanziati tra loro e far lievitare, coperto con un panno di lana, per 1 notte.
Spennellare con un po' di latte e infornare a 200° per 10 minuti e a 160° per i restanti 25 min.
Spolverare con dello zucchero a velo a piacere.
[12.52 Cake of Roses]
Ingredients:400 g of flour 00 (+ a little more 'for flouring the pastry)
1 cube of yeast
100 grams of sugar
1 sachet of vanilla
1 pinch of salt
80 g of butter
3 eggs
100 ml of milk
Preparation:Dissolve yeast in 3 tablespoons of warm milk. Add 50 grams of flour and 14 grams of butter and stir until ingredients are well blended. Cover the mixture with a damp cloth and keep it in a dry place for 40 minutes. Then add 350 grams of flour, sugar, vanilla, salt, butter and 3 eggs.
Gradually add the milk, as well as enough to have a compound hard enough.
Roll out the dough into a rectangle 1 cm thickness. Spread Nutella, roll the long side and cut the pieces of about 4 / 5 inches long.
Put the pieces of dough into a mold, spaced and allow to rise, covered with a woolen cloth, for 1 night.
Brush with a little 'milk and bake at 200 degrees for 10 minutes and at 160 ° for 25 minutes remaining.
Dust with icing sugar to taste.
Ingredients:400 g of flour 00 (+ a little more 'for flouring the pastry)
1 cube of yeast
100 grams of sugar
1 sachet of vanilla
1 pinch of salt
80 g of butter
3 eggs
100 ml of milk
Preparation:Dissolve yeast in 3 tablespoons of warm milk. Add 50 grams of flour and 14 grams of butter and stir until ingredients are well blended. Cover the mixture with a damp cloth and keep it in a dry place for 40 minutes. Then add 350 grams of flour, sugar, vanilla, salt, butter and 3 eggs.
Gradually add the milk, as well as enough to have a compound hard enough.
Roll out the dough into a rectangle 1 cm thickness. Spread Nutella, roll the long side and cut the pieces of about 4 / 5 inches long.
Put the pieces of dough into a mold, spaced and allow to rise, covered with a woolen cloth, for 1 night.
Brush with a little 'milk and bake at 200 degrees for 10 minutes and at 160 ° for 25 minutes remaining.
Dust with icing sugar to taste.